how do we define CREATIVITY?
creativity is...
> a mental and social process involving the discovery of new ideas or concepts
> new associations of the creative mind between existing idea or concepts
in class, we were taught about the differences between a thinker and an intelligent person. so, here's something that worth to ponder about. which element is related to the topic, creativity?
in my words, a thinker is creative. as they think, they create new things in their mind. to create new stuff is the point for them to think, isn't it? what about an intelligent person? they are intelligent as in they collect informations in their mind and process them when needed. this doesn't mean they think and create something new. they use informations that are already exist and seldom they create something creative.
anyway, its interesting to differentiate between a thinker and an intelligent person....
the thinker
so, Albert Einstein is a thinker or an intelligent person?
anyway, he is creative in this picture~