According to the note has been given by lecturer...
Juxtaposition is clearly defined as placing two variable, side by side and their contrast or similarity are shown through comparison. Many creative processes rely on juxtaposition. By juxtaposing two objects or words next to each other, human brain will automatically associate or transfer their meaning. Usually 'turning' something familiar to something less familiar or vice-versa.
Juxtaposition is the arrangement of two or more ideas, characters, actions, settings, phrases, or words side-by side or in similar narrative moments for the purpose of comparison, contrast, rhetorical effect, suspense or character development.
In developing an idea, juxtaposition is believed to be one of the best solution for designers or thinker to solve problem when they are facing difficulties.
During lecture class, we were given some exercises to apply juxtaposition on our design. It was interesting. Things go this way. we were given 2 rows of words which consist 10 words for each row. Then, we were to pick 3 groups of 2 numbers randomly. Then, we were to combine one word from each row to juxtapose them and form a new words. In this task, we need to illustrate a creature telling and describing the new formed juxtaposed words. I found it is interesting where we could come out with many ideas playing with this juxtaposition. It is about picking items r words by random and to form or come out with new things and ideas. This is useful when we come to an end and lack of ideas. It isn't common or familiar, it's creative and innovative.
In this task, I've picked number 25, 99 and 53 which came out in my brain randomly. This number combines words of lighting and root, leaf and rain, fire and wind. Next, we were asked to form a sentence using the words. This is how I formed:
lighting, root - The lighting had just shocked on the root of a plant in my garden.
leaf, rain - The leaf is dancing when the rain drops on it.
fire, wind - The fire goes stronger when wind blows.
Those sentences don't need to be fact, but it must be logical. Emm... interesting~ Juxtaposition is often applied on creative stuff and progress. For instance, progress of making a movie. Making movie can be fantasy, it can be fake. Thus, juxtaposition is an innovative way to develop new ideas. For instance, movie like Avatar. The scenes in the movies are all fake. They don't exist in real world. Some how, they are logical. Some of the audience even believe that some of the scenes are actually exist in real world.
Juxtaposition is actually fun.
Though in certain ways, it doesn't make sense. However, creativity is about having fun, it doesn't matter whether it makes sense or not.
After forming sentences, we were asked to illustrate a picture that tells or describes each sentence.
Next, we create a new word by combining two words. Here are the images I've illustrated that describe or explain the new-formed words.
Later on, we moved to another section which is "How Mergers Go Wrong". Sometimes, we are brainwashed to think the typical way to merge two items together. Well, as a creator or a designer, this is not the attitude that required. We need to think differently than other people. Thus, in order to think that way, in order to create something new that is unfamiliar, here comes the juxtaposition which involve random images association. This is to merge two different items together as a development of ideas. In this task, we were given many animals images. We were required to merge two of the animals and create a new creature that is impossible. It has to be, two different animal that is impossible to survive together. For instance, fish and chicken. As known, fish lives in water whereas chicken lives on ground. If we merge them together how are they suppose to survive together? To place it in water or to place it on ground? Interesting, isn't it?
I'd chosen to merge...
fish and rabbit, one can survive in water only whereas another one lives on ground.
eagle and giraffe, one flying in sky whereas another one living on ground.
Hope I got it right.
Next, we were asked to make sentences describing love using chili. Here goes my sentence:
Love is like a chili, it spices up my life.
You will never know how spicy it would be until you've tasted it.
Then, the other one is describing the opposite gender using mortar and pastel:
Men are like mortal and pastel as they mess things up.
No offence.